Just in time system: email with every novelty
Virtual Office: free and access to your managements
Monthly Report + Personal Assistant
+10 years dedicated entirely to unpaid B2B
Own department of investigation and judicial enforcement
Leaders in Management Responsibility
We start any case within 24 hours of receiving it
We simulate all the hearings before its celebration
We prepare them 3 weeks in advance
We adapt to your company's operations
We analyze your legal documentary security
Cases of previous lawyers, quickly implementation
Qualified by sectors, without call center
We obtain assignments, guarantees, recognitions, etc.
Without releases, except if the customer wishes. Written proposals
98% of favorable sentences
Fixed bills on success without increments in any case
80% of new customers are by recommendation
We share the same goal by billing on success
We take care of your commercial and brand image
We collaborate with highly valued services without cost
We originate new jurisprudence in Courts
+ 7,000 sentences with own Gesico know-how
Own specialized lawyers in B2B
Business approach rather than legal
We do not need exclusivity or temporary commitment
We offer a comprehensive service in all stages
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